Monday, May 23, 2011

Out With The Old, In With The New!

Last Happy Hearts Day, my baby left me. It was painful, heartbreaking and sad... enough to make me whimper in utter disbelief. My then BF (now fiancé) just proposed to me and we're about to have our celebratory lunch.

Ooops, gotcha! When I say baby, I'm referring to my Canon Ixus. My baby and I met in March 2009, a week before my flight to the US. Out of pure excitement, I've searched far and wide for my baby. I did this so I can capture lotsa photos of mommy (that would be me!). Right there and then, I discovered that I'm a  camwhore myself. I even started a blog because I was inspired by my baby! I clicked and clicked and clicked away! But my baby gave up on me. My baby got tired, I guess.

Au revoir et merci beaucoup, ma bebe!

And the good news is, my fiancé gifted me with a new baby to love! Say hello to my newfound love!

I can't wait to spice up my blog with good photos! And to you my dear fiancé, my sincere gratitude and love!


  1. Goodluck with your new camera....for sure you'll have amazing photos:)
